today only rap i hear is weird Al Yancovic
Amish Paradise
Think you're really righteous?
Think you're pure in heart?
Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art
seriously i had this on my ipod
and the coolio one as well
Gangsta's Paradise
and this one
Tunak Tunak Tun
chubby indian guy chuckling and dancing is just great
i had this on my playlist too because i cant help smiling everytime i hear
who doesnt want to smile huh?
heres something that could make you smile
Metabones Speed Booster

i think this is called focal reducer
what it does is reduce thier focal length
acutually no
this is an adapter so it reduces focal length of the lens that attached to it
am i saying it right?
in this case, it reduces EF lenses focal length to 0.72 or 0.71
man, why am i explaining this in english?
im not sure what im talking about
and kinda sure im explaining it wrong
let me start over
Hi guys!
today i want to talk about Metabones Speed Booster EF to E mount
this adapter,enables you to use Full size EF lenses with cameras that has E mount
such as FS700
Speed Booster is not just an adapter, it reduces the focal length of EF lense by like 0.7
because if you just connect lenses for full size sensor to a camera that has APS-C or super 35mm sensor, its not cool!
and since all the cool kids are using speed booster, i use it too
so if you want to be like a popular kids, pick up a speed booster today
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