today only rap i hear is Epic Rap Battles
Hitler VS Vader Round 1
you are a pissed off little prick with a napoleon d1ck
Hitler 9
Vader 10
Hitler VS Vader Round 2
everything you do is an epic fail!
now stand at attention and sieg f@cking heil!
Hitler 10
Vader 8
Hitler VS Vader Round 3
you wrote a little book got em fired up
had a beer hall putsch got em fired up
when your bunker started getting fired up
you put your gun in your mouth and fired up
Hitler 8
Vader 10
Vader is winning by 1pt imo
but its still too close to call which one won
because GH3 didnt appeal so much, i had to buy NEX FS700

i never owned a camera with build in ND filter before, im loving it:-D
shoot in high frame rate is awesome :-D
its HUGE compared to GH2 :-(
and HEAVY too :-(
FS700 can shoot 4k :-D
but you have to spend $10k more to shoot 4k :-(
well, i think FS700 is the best camcoder for my purpose.
and for those wants to shoot 1080p high frame rate on budget.
this was shot entirely with FS700
in the rain from O3bikes on Vimeo.
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